Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Father's Day Special and Benefit for LLS!

On June 17th--Father's Day--I am offering a one-time opportunity!

I am scheduling 15 minute appointments for $15. $5 from each session will benefit The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in honor of my Dad. With each appointment, you will receive a 5x7 from the session! (You may also purchase additional prints from your session, as you wish.)

Bring your Dad and have your photo taken! During each session, I will take approximately 10-15 shots in my studio space.

As someone that can't take a photo with my Dad, I highly encourage you to do so--with this opportunity, there isn't a large time or monetary investment and the emotional return is huge. (In other words, you should be able to talk your Dad into this one!) :) Pop on over before or after your Father's Day activities! There ARE a limited number of appointments available, so call or email NOW to schedule!

Please, no family portraits and Dad's must be a part of the photo for this special.

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