Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Hi all--I am sick. I had about a minute between coming down from the weekend and becoming really, really sick. I'll spare you the details. I'm on some good meds now though, so fingers are crossed for feeling better QUICKLY. I will catch up.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Baby Anna!

Introducing Baby Anna!

Anna is a new baby planner, so you will get to watch her grow with me--one of the greatest parts of this job!

She was pretty darn tired during her first shoot--but we did pretty well, nonetheless! She showed off those pretty big eyes, for sure!

This is probably more accurate of what she thought of the shoot, however! Ha, ha!
Snuggling with Grandma
Snuggling with Mom and about to fall asleep

And I captured some great baby bits after she fell asleep!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

She might be......

.....the most beautiful thing ever. :)

I love how parents can see something in their kids that absolutely no one else in the universe can see. I see that 'thing' in this photograph of my oldest.


Just a quick message to give everyone the head's up how crazy busy I am this week--In addition to my normally nutty life, my sister and I are hosting about 65 people for my Mom's 60th Birthday Party and I have out of town relatives in town, staying with me. In other words, I'm a couple days behind on emails.

Thanks for your patience!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Attention and email users!!

If you use an email account with or, and are looking for a reply back from me from the inquiry form on my website or otherwise, please check your spam folder! However, it may not even be there as I continue to get fatal error responses that my email has been blocked by individuals using these accounts.

This is a continual issue for me--one that drives me CRAZY! So, always check your spam folders, but especially if you use one of these email addresses. Hotmail (and other generic mass email hosts) accounts often bounce too.

I try to send an email to those who I know bounce using a personal, generic gmail account, but I'm sure that I don't know every email that bounces or goes into spam folders.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Saturday's Wedding

I can't help it--I'm posting a pre-preview!

What a gorgeous wedding and amazing people--so much fun--and I can't keep myself from going ahead and posting a few favorites!

Much more to come......

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

You may have noticed.... new website!

I'm not quite ready for the official announcement, but I have the 'bones' up and running. I hope to fill it in with new work over the next couple of weeks and finalize all of the wording, policies, etc.

It's complete with a new shopping cart too!! Each client will receive their own gallery after each session, and be able to use a fully functional shopping cart!

As you are going through it, if you see any glaring errors, send me an email! I appreciate the proof-reading!

It's looonnnng overdue--but I'm feeling like I have my head on a bit better these days (after a few years of personal trauma) and am ready to get it going.

So exciting!!!

Friday, June 06, 2008

Callie's Twins

I didn't have a session today, but my good friend Callie brought over her four kids to play with my two......and I snapped some shots of the twins! 15 months old now--they are growing so fast!!

Can't decide if I like the first one in color or black & white better!