Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Gina's Business Partner

Meet Mary, Gina's (scroll down to meet Gina) new business partner! They are busy creating documents for their new accounting firm--I will keep all updated on their progress. Look for them to open their doors at Parkville Commons in a few months.

Parkville Days a Success!

Thanks to all that stopped by my space at Parkville Days! It is such a great event and I love meeting all the new people.

While the three days are l o n g, it is well worth it!

Note to everyone: Do NOT wait to book your fall/Holiday session!!! If you do, you will greatly risk not getting in.

Online Proofing down

The online proofing page is down due to issues way beyond my control. I'm working on it and it should be restored within the next few days. :) Clients waiting on proofs will be the first to be notified when it's back up.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Teensy bit behind

Just trying to keep folks updated.....with the start of school, Parkville Days this weekend, and other life stuff, I'm a wee bit behind! Argh!

So, no, I'm not ignoring you if you are waiting to hear from me! Promise! :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

First Day of Kindergarten

I can't believe it--my baby started kindergarten today.

Cue the crying!

She was so much more nervous than I expected her to be and I was by far more weepy than I expected to be. I've decided that the first day of kindergarten is solely to torture Moms! ;)

Carly was nervous too--she packed a play backpack full of who-knows-what and declared that "she was packing up and going to school with sissy too!". (I wanted to do the same thing, so who could blame her!)

Despite the worries and bittersweet feelings, she headed off this morning and became a big-school-age-kid.

She was exhausted when she arrived home, but I think she had a great day and will LOVE kindergarten--she's been ready for this for a while!

She's ready!
A fake smile--she was not so excited about the pics this AM!

With a neighbor friend at the bus-stop

Carly scowling at me "I AM going to go with sissy. I AM." (Notice the backpack.)

Off she goes

Gone and my tears flowed!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Brother and Sister

I have always liked the little purple house in Parkville--so it was great fun to photograph the children of the tenant in the house! We utilized the front steps and great color for a fun photograph.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Things are looking up

Well, things may start to be on the mend. The phone seems to be working--I've done several tests and it's been AOK.

The email is still very, very glitchy.....but glitchy is an improvement over nonexistent. ;)

Everyone cross their fingers and do some sort of meditation! (Just kidding, but I'm desperate at this point.)

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Phone and Email Update

I woke up this AM to find that both phone and email are 100% non-functioning. I cannot receive messages nor send them.

I am working like mad to try and get it fixed.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Phone and Email

I seem to be having trouble with my phone and email this afternoon--people can't seem to call me on either my home or business lines and, while I can receive, I cannot send emails out.

I've about had it with Time Warner. Really.

Very, very frustrating.

(And did I mention that my a/c is out AGAIN???) That frustrated screaming you hear is coming from my house. LOL

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Happy Baby!

What a great, happy little guy!!