Saturday, November 29, 2008

Eye Ulcer

Greetings all--I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

I have suddenly developed what seems to be an eye ulcer (exactly what it sounds like--a hole/tear of sorts in my eye), and it is wrecking havoc with my ability to work. I am visiting the computer for very short times, but have to limit my time here greatly to reduce eye strain.

My affected eye is patched (bring on the pirate jokes) and I am in a great deal of pain--thank goodness for painkillers. I've spent ALL day in bed because I can't see anything and the pain is great at times. If I'm not better quickly, I'll be bringing in help to complete all outstanding orders and cards--so no worries to current clients--but this may add a few days to original timelines.

Thanks for your patience and understanding--Kim

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