Monday, February 26, 2007

Cigar Box Purses!

I am really enjoying product photography--the subject matter doesn't move, have to be coerced, I don't have to dance for it, or bribe it with a cookie. ;) No, really, it's fabulous fun to share some time with creative people and see what others come up with!

Introducing Eltee Designs! The creator, LT, makes fabulous purses out of cigar boxes. She uses fine papers and materials to create truly one of a kind accessories--the purses are amazing.

LT is working on her new website, and you will be able to find my images on her website very soon. If you are really anxious to get your hands on one of these, send LT a message--the link is on the website.

Here is a sneak preview!

1 comment:

Cory Ann said...

These purses rock. I so want one. And nice images Kim.