Don and I headed out on a roadtrip throughout Missouri last weekend! We started out in Hermann and ended up roaming around allover Northeastern Missouri. We had an absolute blast and let the wind take us! We did a lot of shooting and I'll post a few favorites and a slideshow with more--this doesn't even include Don's shots--there are so many photos! That's what happens when two photographers head out, I suppose. :)
I'll post more of Don's when I get them--there are so many!
Our first B&B 'Alpenhorn Gusthaus'
Happiness seemed to follow us!
This is the little house we stayed in at the B&B--it was a 180 year old smokehouse converted into the coziest little room.
On the property of the B&B, the remains of the 180 year old brickmaker's kiln barn remained--it was falling down and fascinating 

Shooting details in Hermann--one of favorites--I love the color--see the slideshow for SO many more from Hermann
Kissing in one of the vineyards!
Another vineyard! We got very good at self-portraits!

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