Some of you may have spoken to Brandy on the phone at some point over the last year--she worked as my assistant for a while, until 'life' got in the way. But more importantly, Brandy is one of my dear, dear friends--she and her husband have practically carried me through the last year and I thank the Lord for them often. They are expecting their second child this summer--and I am looking forward to photographing Brandy throughout her pregnancy. And, yes, it's totally fine to dislike her for looking this good when pregnant. ;)

1 comment:
Hellow My Girls,Its Big Daddy. My Daughter You Are Amazeingly Beautiful,Looking Like Your Beautiful Mother When She Carried You And Bryan. Pregnancy Is Truely The Most Wonderful Of Creations That God Has Given To Us.Gods Blessings Always.Kim,Your The Woman,You Have An Amazeing Gift,Thank You.LOVE YOU ALL.DADDY.
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