Well, tomorrow it is back to the grind! The normal routine starts back--and, honestly, it's a bit of a relief. Our Holidays were great--blessed with family and friends--but this break has been filled with 'unluck', for sure! I lost my computer and all operating systems right before Christmas and I feel like I've spent every spare moment trying to get back up and running. It's been--and continues to be--a bit of a nightmare! I'll get through it! There was also a car break in and vandalism MESS.....some illness.....yeah, I'll be glad to get back into the routine! ;) (FYI: No images were lost--I have them organized and backed up so that losing images is virtually impossible. No worries!)
Yesterday Don and I spent the entire day overhauling my office--and he helped me organize all of my drives so I can access everything I need. Thank goodness for his help!!
In all of this, I didn't get to post my Holiday Card, so I'm going to--even though it's a bit late! :)
I did a folding card this year--the first image is the front, the second is the inside of the card (it's bent in the middle and fills both top and bottom of the actual folded card), and the back is a quick explanation of what's in the image tree.
Enjoy! And I hope everyone had a fabulous Holiday Season!!