Monday, April 28, 2008

Twice the love!

Who doesn't love twins?!

I did this shoot for Don (he also runs a photography business, Summit Digital Imaging--in addition to his professional life in the corporate accounting world!) in my studio--Mom and Dad are friends of his!

It was an unusual shoot for me, given that we stayed in the studio (no on-location or natural light shots), but fun none-the-less!

Waiting on baby!

This mom knew exactly what she wanted done with her maternity images--her family kissing her belly!

This is the second time around for this family and I--and it was great to see a baby I'd become so familiar with, 'all grown up' into a big two-year-old!

My boyfriend

Carly (my 4 year old) and Don were playing around with the lights in my studio....and Carly shot this image of Don!

I just love it! Good job Carly!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

That beautiful baby is back!

Time flies! Julian is a growin'!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Lauren and Derek!

This couple was fiercely fun! I am soooo looking forward to their wedding in July--I know it's going to be a blast.

Don went with me on this shoot and was my 'reflector boy'....and, heck, I let him shoot a little too. ;) I'll post one of his shots too.

From Don! :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The training wheels come off!

What a milestone to witness--I grinned from ear to ear as my Mom and I watched Emma learn how to ride her bike without the training wheels! My boyfriend, Don, took the training wheels off and helped her figure it all out--it was the greatest thing ever watching my amazing, handsome man help my amazing, gorgeous girl. Love it!

Saturday, April 05, 2008

The Gorombey Cousins!

Every year my (former) sister-in-law and I do our best to get all six cousins together and I shoot images like a mad woman--and let me tell you--it can be a challenge! They are a busy, busy bunch. We always end up with interesting shots, usually full of personality!

See what I mean?? :)

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Luke turned one!

And he's just as sweet as ever! Both mom and dad got in on the action this time too--love that! And, yes, there are lots of images with smiles too that I didn't post.....but he has such a great serious face and those blue eyes are wonderful!