I am back from Hawaii!
The trip was dreamed up over 6 months ago when I decided to run the Honolulu Marathon for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The cause is important to me and very close to my heart--I run in memory of my Dad, who I lost to leukemia almost 7 years ago. I've spent months and months and months training and raising money for The Society--so much hard work and it finally paid off with the trip! This trip was more for me than just a trip--it was a symbol of surviving the last two years of my life, that have
not been easy. What better way to celebrate survival than with raising money for a great cause in memory of my dad and running 26.2 miles with close friends? It was exactly the 'therapy' I needed to get my groove back and it worked like a charm.
Here are some images taken from the trip--forgive the quality on some....point and shoot stuff and not taken by me! :)

Malinda and I ready to run--looking gorgeous (LOL) at about 4am--in our Team in Training jerseys!

A night out after the race--Malinda, Julie, and I!

Myself, Julie, and Malinda--another night out

Surf boards that we took surfing lessons on!

Taken at Waimea Falls

A turtle on Turtle Beach

Almost sunset at Turtle Beach--one of the most beautiful places I've ever been